Please don't fall out! I am still alive and kickin'! We have had some internet issues and I have been super swamped learning to be a mommy of 3 and all that it entails. Not to mention that our flip flops and t-shirts fundraiser is doing awesome! Folks are so so gracious and God has blessed it. Super crazy things have happened that has helped us sell lots of shoes and t-shirts.
Seth finally got his shots yesterday. They gave him 4 total. One in each arm and one in each leg. He has not walked much today. I have been giving him Tylenol to help with the pain. I would rather get it done and over with with one visit. I think it makes it less traumatizing to them. He didn't cry until his second shot. He has a high tolerance for pain.
Will has had strep throat this week. It cut his swimming lessons off early. We will begin on Monday. We have attended 2 VBS's in the area. The kids loved them! So much fun. Plus, they learn about Jesus and it gives me a break. I have had Megan and Ruthie come and baby sit once a week. Megan filled in when Ruthie was out of town. Having her come gives me a day to get out and run errands, make Dr. appointments, and handle flip flop business.
We have an open house tomorrow and will be doing all of the world series ball tournaments in July. We also plan on being at the fall festivals. I think my shirts have made a great addition.
Kara is going to kid's camp in Oklahoma in July. She is also doing a theatre camp that she is excited about.
My mom bought the kids a water slide that has been so much fun! They love to get on it and will play for hours! Kara's birthday is next week so we are in full swing preparing for it. This will be her first big sleep over. Pray for me!!
Seth is just a joy and he loves to do whatever we are doing. We have gone to the pool a few times and he is happy the entire stay. You can tell that he is getting close to being 2. He wants to hold things for himself and if you don't let him he falls out in the floor. He is demanding and more and more independent.
Did I mention that Seth is in his crib? Yes, the day Kara got out of school we put him in his crib in his room. Went cold turkey. I would not recommend it for the faint of heart. He didn't sleep for 3 days! He did great during the day and didn't show any signs of regression. I am proud of him. It has made me a better mom! Now he goes into his crib fine. He usually fusses less than a minute before he is out. We are trying to reserve the bottle for crib time only.
Seth was dedicated on Sunday. It was so sweet and made me remember that God has a destiny for Seth. Dedication in our church is more for the parents than for the children. We are dedicating him to the Lord and promising God that we will raise him in a Christian home.
Kara is being baptized Sunday. Or, "babitized" as she says.
Glad to read from you sweet heart - it looks like you are having loads of fun...we will be dedicating K on July 6th when my folks come into town for visiting the kiddo's and it will be special because is on the same timeline that we did for D when they also came and we time it together.
keep us updated even if its once a month!!! You guys will always hold a special place in our memories and hearts as part of our family adoption story.
Lovely photos! The one of Seth asleep in the stroller could easily have been Hugo. Such beautiful boys we have =) !! We plan to dedicate Hugo in about 6 months, but every time I think about it I tear up, so I know it will be a very emotional day! I love to read your posts.
So glad to catch up on your lives since you adopted Seth. What beautiful pics of the kids! Praise God for His wonderful blessings in your lives!
I sooo love those pictures!! I really miss you guys! Have a great week!
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