Monday, July 28, 2008


I am recuperating today. Joel and I have been selling flip flops since Thursday. Today's Monday. Our city hosts the Dizzy Dean World Series baseball tournament every year. This year 140 boy teams and 74 girl team graced our fair city. We were fortunate enough to be able to sell at both girls and boys venues. When you are not used to being outside in the heat spending a weekend outside in the high 90's is daunting. I love being part of such an exciting event. The teams are excited to be here as most of them don't travel out of town. They have worked hard and playing here $a privilege. We had teams from all over. New Orleans, St. Pete, FL,(13 hrs away), GA, AL. Joel and I both love talking to people from different areas. We call our little operation "Flip Flop to Adopt." People were so generous and sweet. One mom started crying yesterday when I told her our story. I even had men buying shoes for their wives. We even met a family adopting from Thailand. We love sharing our adoption story.

Our weekend was successful and even after being gone 13 hours each day it was definatly worth it. Hope to do it again next year.

2 comments: said...

You definitely had quite the weekend!! Glad to hear your flip flop venture is going well!!!


Ellie said...

Hi! Is this how you raised money for your adoption? That's a cute little slogan!
ellie moeller