Sunday, August 12, 2007

Frog Jumpin Champ

Announcing the Frog Jumping Champ!!

Froggy goes for the championship

Getting Ready for the finals

The Winner of the qualifying round

Kara and Will getting ready to let 'em jump!
As soon as we started planning our vacation I told Kara and Will about all of the things I did as a kid on my Branson trips in the summertime. One of the highlights was winning the frog jumping contest at The Shepard of the Hills. It is part of their pre-show activities. I remember it being a big deal for me. They gather all of the children in the audience and give them a frog. The kids get in a circle with their frogs and race them across the finish line. The winners of each race face off for the championship. Now, it was just purely coincidence that Kara got a frog with legs that were two feet long! That sucker could jump like you have never seen. Will was distraught not because his frog didn't win but because he had to give it back. Most people that talked to Kara after her win were surprised that she would even touch a frog. Oh no, she quickly told them that she caught frogs at home every night. One person told her that she looked like a city girl. Well, you can dress the tom boy cute but inside she's still a tom boy. I am proud of my girl and that we now share the same memory.

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