Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tick Tock

Not much to tell on the adoption front. We did get an email from Holt this week with updates to the Thailand program. Seems as though things are running smoothly. There is still a 6 to 8 month wait from the time you submit your dossier. Their next batch of referrals (babies) will be coming in Sept./Oct. We will be at month 6/7 since we mailed them our dossier. That is very exciting as I believe that we really will be matched then. Their travel dates are still running around 7 months. This means that we will more than likely travel in April/May if we are matched in Sept./Oct. We will stay around 10 days. We are praying now for our baby, the mother, and the foster family. Thank you Lord for this wonderful opportunity.

1 comment:

Glen and Andrea said...

Hi Tracy, I've been tagged, and completed the task, now I have tagged you along with several other Thai adoptive parents.