Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas

Wise Men Fundraiser

As it always is for everyone, Christmas was busy this year. We try very hard to keep the reason for the season evident. We read and do a little activity called "What God Wants For Christmas". The children open a different box every night to reveal the story of Christmas. On the last night the final box has a mirror in it, this is because God wants YOU for Christmas. We also read a Golden Book about Christ's birth.

This year we did something extra fun for Christmas. Joel and I want Kara and Will (and soon Seth) to understand that it is better to give then to receive. I read someone's blog and they gave me the idea. We bought plastic wise men from Walmart and attached a note to them. The note said:

"The wise men have begun their journey to Bethlehem: They are a little lost and are stopping at your house for the night.

Please enjoy their company. They will move on tomorrow.
For a $10.00 donation we will tell them there is no room in the inn and remove them.
For another $15.00 donation we will drop them off at your friend's or family's house.
And for $5.00 more we will drop them off never to return.

All proceeds will go to help Kara and Will give a gift that GROWS INTO HOPE. Thank you for participating in the fun."

We attached a flyer that we printed off of the Holt Website. The money will go to help families in Southeast Asia stay together by buying thing things like livestock, sewing machines, and fruit stands.

Our friends and community were very generous. The wise men visited several homes that we did not even know. That was extra fun as we "snuck" the men into yards and plugged them up. After visiting around 14 homes we raised a total of $300. The kids loved it and I think they "got it". We plan on making our fundraiser a yearly tradition.


Robin and Kyle said...

What a wonderful idea. How creative!

Glen and Andrea said...

What a fantastic idea! We don't have any Wise men like that here (that big or light up) so we would have to think up another idea. I'll think on it.

Hannah said...

That's awesome! Maybe, since we don't celebrate Christmas we could try a snowman (still wouldn't work for Glen and Andrea - summer Christmas! ha!). What a wonderful community you live in.