Sunday, December 9, 2007

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Saturday night my parents treated the entire family to the Broadway musical "White Christmas" at the Orpheum. We had a great time. My kids were on the verge of boredom with all of the dialogue but they loved the dancing and costumes. Will kept asking loudly "when's Frosty coming out"?

We almost didn't see it as Mom had the date wrong. Our tickets were actually for Friday night. The Orpheum was kind enough to find us good seats anyway. Nothing hurt, nothing lost. We just have more ammunition now to tease mom!!
Downtown is beautiful this time of year. Nothing like Christmas in Memphis with temperatures in the 70's.

1 comment: said...

Go ahead rub it on our faces northen people - Temperatures in the 70's --> 10 degrees more and is what Christmas should be in the 80's at least for me!!! I do envy you though...especially when we in Portland got up to freezing fog of all things!!!