Wednesday, January 16, 2008



We are traveling to Thailand! I am so so excited. Marissa at Holt called me today to let us know that we have received our travel call. We have to travel by Friday, February 22nd. We will attend the February 27th meeting. I am in total shock. We were thinking April or May. All of the paperwork says 7 to 9 months for travel call. We waited 4. Can you believe that! Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow.

Bless little Seth's heart. I don't have anything ready for him. I had to go out tonight and buy diapers to make me think at least I have something for him. Let's just say this family will be very busy the next few weeks. I laugh a little thinking about how different it is from when I was pregnant with Kara. I think we had everything together by my 7 month. Everything had to be perfect. Well, after being a parent I now know that there is no perfect. You do your best and that's all you can do.

Please pray for our family as we travel. Kara and Will are staying here and I have never left them for more than a few days. This will be trying for us.

Thanks to everyone who have followed our story and been so supportive. We truly appreciate it!


Courtney said...

Congrats I am so happy to read this!!! My brother in law and his wife are in Thailand right now with their little girl. Their court date is in one week!

May time fly for you and may your trip be perfect!

Glen and Andrea said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!! I literally just about fell off my chair! I'm shaking all over. We were matched in May and got our full referral in September (same as you?). Before we got our referral we were told to expect about 5 month wait but after we got our referral they said 6-7 months. So you're probably relising by now that I'm hoping/thinking that we my be off soon too! So please, please can you tell me details. You didn't have any favours pulled or amything did you - do you think we might go soon to? Our agency said all the files are sitting in a pile at government and get done in order so that makes me think we will be there soon too. If don't want to chat through your comments you could email me

Thanks and congratulations, Andrea.

Hannah said...

Geez - I don't check your blog for a few days and.....I"M SO EXCITED FOR YOU~!!!!!!!!!!! Don't worry about diapers - buy them there (once you find out his size) and then email someone at home to buy some for your return! I understand about leaving the kids - it was so hard to leave Ian (sorry). But it was the best decision for us - he would have been miserable. Will you be able to blog from Thailand?!?!?!?!?!? I get to be on the other end now!!!

Anonymous said...

Tracy - small correction - but remember we both got match at the end of Sept (19th) and that would make it actually almost 4 months to the date when we got TA - :)

I am so looking forward to meeting you in person in Thailand!!! I'll be sending you and Leah our itinerary (when we actually will be arriving in BKK after our small early detour to Chiang Mai)- you will be able to tell who we are because we will be the couple crazy enough to bring their almost 3yr old along!!!!


TracyMcGal said...

Courtney - thank you so much. I visited your site and your little girl is adorable.

Andrea - I am keeping my fingers crossed for you

Hannah - Can you believe it? We are thrilled.

Hirally - I stand corrected. We only waited 5 months to travel - not to get our Travel Call. This is just crazy!!

chaniemom said...

Oh wow! How exciting! We're being told that we probably won't travel until late Spring at the earliest. Still waiting for the official "referral" even though she's an older, waiting child. However, if we wait longer that might be good seeing as how we just bought a house! Read more about it on our blog. I hope you can blog from Thailand. I'll read every word! God speed!

Holly Trawick said...

I have only been checking the blog every once in a while because I was expecting it to be a little longer - this is awesome!