Sunday, March 11, 2007


As I read and re-read my adoption book I am a little overwhelmed. There is so much paper work not to mention the money. We will have to come up with $2795 in the next couple of weeks. In church today I really talked to God about it. I felt like I was a little girl with a flashlight looking down a dark hallway. I was about to step through a doorway and I turned around and asked God "are you sure this is the right way?". I am not questioning our adopting, it's more like I just need reassurance. I felt the holy spirit speak and say "would you have done this for Kara and Will?". Well, of course, I would go to the ends of the earth and back for my children. It is just hard thinking about all of this work being for one particular child. I feel like this scripture is for our family in 2007 - "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).” I am asking God to show up and show off. I know that this whole adoption thing is to give Him glory. Great is His faithfulness. All that I've needed his hand has provided. Great is His faithfulness Lord unto me.