Tuesday, November 27, 2007

At Last

Finally, we received an update on Seth. Sorry for the boring details but I want to have an easy reference point to look at. The outfit and book that he has in his hands are from us. That means a lot. Yes, we realize that this update is 3 months old. We just try to do the best with what we are given. Our sweet boy is exactly 10 months today.

7 months
Weight - 17. 63 lbs or 8 kg
Height - 26.77 inches or 68 cm.
Head circ. - 16.92 inches or 43 cm.
Patsakorn is healthy. He has gained 2 kg. and 7 cm. from his last report. He takes 4 bottles of 4 oz. milk in a daytime and takes 2 bottles at night. He takes additional food twice a day. He eats everything and likes to eat solid food. He goes to bed at 8:00 p.m. and wakes up in the morning at 5:30 a.m. He takes a nap 2-3 times a day about 1/2 - 1 hour at 9:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 4:00 p.m. He has good hygiene and takes a tablet of fluorine 0.25 mg daily.

The boy got 3rd dose of DPT-OPV and Heptavax B on August 8, 2007.

Patsakorn or "Pat" develops well for age. He can get himself into a sitting position. He can crawl well. He crawls upstairs but not downstairs. He can pull himself to standing position while holding on to a solid object. He is an active and cheerful child. He recognizes face of foster mother and is not fearful of strangers. He allows strangers to cuddle. He like to be held and cuddles (an answer to prayer!) he recognizes is own name is "Pat". He can pick up two blocks and hold one in each hand. He bangs 2 objects together held in hands. He can pick up a raisin using ends of thumb and index finger. He can transfer an object from hand to hand. He reaches and grasps for objects.

Everyone in this family is doing well. Their grandson who is the major breadwinner of the family is very caring and responsible. The home is quite quiet during the daytime as their grandson and his wife go to work and their children go to school Mon. - Fri. However, the family becomes very lively in the evening and at weekend when everybody is home. Pat is well loved by all family members. The social worker has informed the foster family of the news on Pat having a family who applied to adopt him. The foster family is very happy knowing that Pat will be in a permanent family soon, but a little sad that he will be leaving them.


Anonymous said...

He seems to be doing great!! I remember my son being around that same weight at that age - which means you can purchase clothing within the correct age grouping and be fine!!! :)

I think is unnerving (we rather had the upate earlier) funny that we both got our update the day our kids turned x#months anniversary of their actual birthday! W on the 20th and Pat on the 27th!!

He is so handsome!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

'Pat' is just adorable!!! What a little sweetie, and I know you are just dying to hold him.
It is a good feeling when you see them with the the things you sent, now there is a real connection!! It sounds like he is being loved and cared for so much, as are all of the children in Thai Foster homes, and this gives lots of peace of mind. I love looking at the new photo's and am off to have another look now!! Thank you for sharing! I am SO glad your wait for an update is over, it is such an anxious time as we wait!!
Prayers that your little guy is in your arms SOON!!

Hannah said...

He is so super adorable!!!! Big eyes, just like Jesse. I loved getting pictures of Jesse with the stuff we sent over - it's so special. I hope this will ease you through the holiday season ahead!

chaniemom said...

Ooooh! I'm getting jealous. I hope that we'll get our update on our twelve and a half year old daughter, soon! I haven't been shopping for clothes, yet, as you know how those preteen girls can suddenly grow. Maybe we'll end up traveling to Thailand around the same time!

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Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting so much info from your update! We haven't received our referral yet but I was wondering how informative the updates were and this helped me a lot!!