Sunday, July 22, 2007

Congratulations April

Another Holt "cyber" friend is in Thailand picking up her daughter. I just read her blog about meeting Prim for the first time. It brought tears to my eyes as I am so happy for her. I think about Joel and I doing the very same thing. How awesome and life changing will that be? Holt has the whole process down to a science. They have everyone adopting with Holt staying at the same hotel. The schedule is always the same as you spend a few hours each day with your child and their foster family. After a couple of days your baby stays with you. April met Prim's foster family today. Boy, there are a bunch of people living in one house. It just goes to show that happiness is family not places or possessions. I am just thrilled for April, congratulations my friend. The Holt bulletin board has been the most supportive tool that I have had thus far in our journey. So many wonderful families from around the world in the exact same shoes that we are in. We hope to travel with some of them to get our children. How great will that be?

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