Thursday, July 5, 2007

My Secret Pal

I am a member of a yahoo group called Christian Asian Adoption. We are a group of Christians online that are in the process of adopting an Asian child or have already completed it. I love this group. We have had secret pals for the last 3 months. My secret pal has sent me e-cards faithfully at least once a week w/ encouraging words. She has also kept up with this blog and wrote me encouraging notes when I was down. It has really meant so much to me. Our term ended in July. I received my last package from her today. I had tears in my eyes when I saw the sweet and thoughtful gifts that she sent. She has carefully listened to me and given things that my family would like. She sent the kids frog stickers and sidewalk chalk. She gave me an encouraging book and a wonderful adoption baby book. The kind that you fill in w/ our info. as well as the baby's. I have never seen this before. Most importantly my secret pal has lifted me up in prayer for these last 3 months. I have been so encouraged by her. Thank you, secret pal. May God reward and bless you with your kindness and love to me and my family. I have enjoyed it and needed it immensely.

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