Tuesday, February 5, 2008


A tornado came through our city tonight. As far as we have heard no one has been injured. There has been a lot of damage though. We are all blessed. A mall in Memphis was damaged and a entire wall came down in the Sears store. I will say that tornados are an insurance man's nightmare! Although, that's what insurance is for.


Hayley said...

I am a total stranger who loves reading your blog. Last year my family adopted an angel from Vietnam and we are praying right now about applying to Holt in 2009 to adopt from Thailand. We live in NE Alabama, but visit Bartlett annually to see my aunt who lives there. Just thought I would let you know that I enjoy reading your blog. If you want to read mine, it is www.croftmom.blogspot.com

Robin and Kyle said...

We're getting hammered by the snow part of that storm. Glad you guys are all safe. Tornadoes are scary. I'm out to shovel the driveway for the 4th time today. I like snow, but 18" is too much for me!

Anonymous said...

Tornadoes look like powerful beasts from the ones I have seen on the tv, where do you go when they come through town, are there special basements or shelters? Where we are we are in the tropics, currently it is cyclone season, however I havent experienced one yet, we were on hols when the last one came through at New Year, they have public shelters and the houses are cyclone proofed. Only thing is if one comes through I would find it too hard to leave the house as the dogs arent allowed in the shelters.

Hannah said...

Tracy - glad everyone is okay. What a weird weather week - like Robin and Kyle we were snowed on for hours upon hours but that was only a day after the Tornadoes! It's not we live THAT far apart!