Wednesday, June 27, 2007


You are 7 today. You are growing so fast that it makes my heart skip a beat at how big you are. It just seems like yesterday that you were my newborn baby coming home from the hospital. I had never experienced the overwhelming love that flooded my heart when I first met you. I was so thankful for you. Not only did God give me a baby but a girl too! I was the most blessed mommy ever! My first thoughts were of us shopping and doing "girlie"things together. I have enjoyed every minute of having you. You came two days before your due date and I was thrilled that I had two extra days in my life to spend with you.
Kara, you are such a joy to your daddy and I. We smile more now that you are here. We love talking about you and Will. How proud we are, how happy we are, how THANKFUL we are for you two.
You are growing up to be such a beautiful young lady- both inside and out. You are thoughtful, considerate, appreciative, kind, and smart. You love your family and always try to do nice things for us. You love to make breakfast for us and set the table. You love giving gifts and making special things for people. You love animals and want to play with them more than dolls or Barbies. You are sensitive and cry when others are sad and hurting. You love people and want to make friends. When your teacher awarded you "friend of all", I knew that no other award suited you better. You love everything that is pure, honest, and right. Your silly and love to have fun. Your an excellent swimmer. You like to play soccer and ride your bike. When you were 5 you asked Jesus into your heart and we can see His light shining in you. You get so excited when we go to places or see things on TV that talk about God. You say "they must love God." You have found favor with others. Over and over again Daddy and I can see where God is preparing you for great things. Jesus has a special plan for you. We hope to help you find your wings. My snaggle tooth girl - we love you dearly. Happy Birthday.

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