Friday, June 22, 2007

Ugh- No Word Yet and it's FRIDAY!

I hate waiting. I am the type of person that is very proactive. If I need or want something I work very hard to get it. I had our homestudy and dossier completed in just over 2 months. That is pretty quick compared to what our social worker had originally said.
Well, now I have to sit on my hands and wait to hear about our referral. I just knew that I would hear something this week. I have been watching the Holt message board as well as the Thailand adoption Yahoo group. As far as I know no one has received a referral yet. Marissa told me back in May that they get the referrals in June and it takes a couple of weeks to match the families w/ kids. Does that mean it could be early July? I already feel like a pest and don't want to call and ask. Bless Marissa's heart, I know she gets so tired of anxious parents. I try to tell myself that we might very well be looking at September for a referral. Waiting is the pits!! Torture I tell you!!

1 comment:

Robin and Kyle said...

I have been anxiously waiting as well. We're too far down on the list to be up for a referral this time around, but I keep checking around as well, hoping to hear news that everyone ELSE has referrals. Good luck!