Monday, June 11, 2007

MOPS Steering Team Retreat

I had a blast this weekend. It was a lot of work but well worth it!
MOPS for those of you who don't know stands for "Mothers of Preschoolers". We are a ministry to moms in our community. We hold meetings once a month. There is usually a speaker, craft, discussion time, food, etc. We have childcare and moms get a chance to relax and fellowship with other ladies who are in the same stage of life. Some months you are just glad to be talking to an adult! I started this ministry at our church in 2003. Will was 3 weeks old at our first meeting. I was crazy to start it being pregnant but I felt passionate that we needed it at our church and in our area. God has blessed it and it has grown every year.
This year we have such an awesome group of ladies serving as leaders.

We went to Heber Springs and stayed at an AWESOME house in Tannenbaum. It is actually in Drasco, AR. A very generous man and wife in our church rented the house for us. Mom went so there were 9 ladies total. We planned out our year to come and got a lot accomplished!! It was so nice to get away with these ladies uninterrupted. We ate alot, watched a movie, and got in the hot tub. It is a weekend that I won't soon forget. We did have a little problem - the septic system backed up in the house on Sunday morning. Everyone had a good attitude about it and the maintenance man came and fixed it. He even let us in the rental office to use the bathroom. Tera is almost nine months pregnant so bless her heart she really was a trooper!! I am so glad that these girls are not only my teammates but more importantly- MY FRIENDS!!

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