Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sick House - Why I'm a Germ A Phob

It all started about 3 weeks ago. When we were camping William came down with 5th disease. He had a low grade fever, stuffy head, and later broke out into a rash. This only lasted about 3 or 4 days. He has never really recovered, he has goose egg lymph nodes, snores, and more ornery than normal. :-) After two kids I have learned to not go to the doctor unless absolutely necessary. They won't give you anything unless its bacterial and you usually bring home a different illness then what you brought in. I caved and finally took him in Monday. It was just a sinus infection and she gave us an antibiotic and Nasonex.

My mother in law came in to visit this past weekend and came down with strep throat. She stayed upstairs in the game room and tried to keep away. Joel came home early yesterday with symptoms of strep throat. He is still in the bed tonight. We borrowed antibiotics from my parents. The expiration date is 2003 so I hoping they still work. Don't laugh, I know how ridiculous this sounds.

My girlfriend's in Thailand so I took 2 of her 4 kids to the doctor Tuesday for strep throat. I told the pediatrician that I liked her so much that I had to bring more kids in just so that I can see her.

This morning at 5 a.m. I woke up with severe pain. I thought it was a urinary tract infection. After looking online and talking to friends I knew that I had to get an antibiotic. Heavens!! When it rains it pours. I went to the doctor and I told him my symptoms. I also told him about Joel so he checked my throat. Guess what. Yep, it was red. So he gave me 2 medicines by mouth and a penicillin shot just in case for the strep. That was nice. I told him that the Momma can't get sick. He agreed. He have me a script for a $4 prescription from Walmart. Evidently there's a whole list of generics at Walmart that are only $4. I paid $62 for Will's antibiotic at Walgreen's. Don't get me started on insurance. I'm married to an insurance agent but I'm telling you health insurance in America is immoral.

The only one in the house not on antibiotics is Kara. I keep asking how she feels and I'm watching for symptoms.

Enough of my belly aching. We have a pumpkin painting party Saturday night. I have to get busy DISINFECTING!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Okay - did you have to put the picture right there, first thing? :) Sorry to hear about your germy house! I hope everyone recovers in time to enjoy Halloween.
take care